Friday, May 23, 2008

As Big as It Gets

Do you really like to color? I mean really really? And you love getting lost on the page? Then you need the REALLY BIG COLORING BOOK. There's an awesome company, Really Big Coloring Books, that sells, well, big coloring books. They're about 18"x 24" in size. Very cool. Very big. Mostly for kids, but I can't imagine adults wouldn't have a fun time with these as well.

I have a copy of the Really Big Butterfly Coloring Book, and it is awesome. (Nope, no scanned pics today because it's just too big to scan.) Great for colored pens and crayons, but the markers tend to bleed through a bit. What a great way to share an afternoon with a child, sprawled over one of these. Check out their website!

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